Lander Rock Climbs - Wyoming

37,50 €
Codice prodotto
Autore: Bechtel S., Duba K., Sears B.
Guida all'arrampicata nei dintorni di Lander, in Wyoming. Climbing guide to Lander area, Wyoming.

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NOTA: Valido solo per spedizioni in Italia

Guida all'arrampicata nei dintorni di Lander, in Wyoming. Con schizzi delle vie su foto, descrizioni e possibilità di consultare il volume digitale tramite la pratica App Vertical Life. Wild Iris, Little Popo Agie, Fossil Hill, Sinks Canyon, Baldwin Creek, Suicide Point. Lander Rock Climbs 2018 by Steve Bechtel, Kyle Duba and Ben Sears is the definitive climbing guidebook to the crags around Lander, Wyoming. Brand new in July 2018, this guide includes 400 new routes since Lander Rock Climbs 2015 came out three years ago. Development on the dolomite walls around Lander continues to be rampant, which contributes immensely to the new routes included in this edition of Lander Rock Climbs. Possibly the most significant addition is the first time ever publication of the long time, semi-secret North Country wall. Also, extensive development in the massive Little Popo Agie Canyon counts as a large percent of the new additions. An updated and sleek layout of the maps and pictures makes this Lander Rock Climbs 2018 the best Lander area guidebook to date. Wild Iris, Little Popo Agie, Fossil Hill, Sinks Canyon, Baldwin Creek, Suicide Point.
Maggiori Informazioni
Codice prodotto AN045
Autore Bechtel S., Duba K., Sears B.
Lingue incluse Inglese
Anno 2018
Formato 15x23
Pagine 340
Foto col
Stati Stati Uniti
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