Ski Touring in Sunndal

53,00 €
Codice prodotto
Autore: Meirik T., Sande T.
Editore: FRI FLYT

Guida scialpinistica a 88 montagne nella contea di Sunndal.
Ski touring guidebook to 88 mountains in Sunndal.

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NOTA: Valido solo per spedizioni in Italia

Guida scialpinistica a 88 montagne nella contea di Sunndal. Con descrizioni, mappe dettagliate e schizzi delle discese su foto aeree.

Ski Touring in Sunndal includes local classics Kongskrona, Dronningkrona, Trolltinden, and Fløtatinden. But this book also introduces lesserknown areas such as the Kalkinn massif. It describes safe and family-friendly tours and steep descents that demand perfect conditions and advanced skills. The book presents 88 tours across 43 mountains with detailed descriptions. All routes are marked on aerial photos and hiking maps at a 1:50,000 scale. The book is illustrated with pictures from most of the trips, many of which were contributed by professional ski photographers. All routes in Ski Touring in Sunndal are categorized according to ATES (Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale), allowing you to easily find a tour suited to snow conditions, ambitions, and skills. Additionally, the book employs a tailored version of the Volo grading system, a three-part system that describes the difficulty in terms of skiing technique, mountain travel skills, and how exposed the route is.

Maggiori Informazioni
Codice prodotto SC054
Autore Meirik T., Sande T.
Editore FRI FLYT
Lingue incluse Inglese
Anno 2025
Formato 15X22
Pagine 272
Foto col
Stati Norvegia
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