Pantelleria at the water's edge ENGLISH

14,00 €
Codice prodotto
Autore: Benvegna A.

Coastal paths, descents to the sea, coves, underwater routes on Pantelleria Island, Sicily.

Spedizione Gratuita
Spesa minima per la spedizione gratuita: 50,00 €

NOTA: Valido solo per spedizioni in Italia

Pocket guide to explore the coast of Pantelleria and experience the sea, full of detailed descriptions to discover coastal paths, descents to the sea, roadsteads and underwater routes. The trail maps were developed by Outdooractive and QRcodes are also provided to allow you to view the routes on your mobile phone even offline. The itineraries are kept constantly updated thanks to their publication on the website. A space in the paper guide is also dedicated to information and reading sheets that deepen knowledge of the path and the places to visit. The insights deal with nature, history, archaeology, tradition.

Maggiori Informazioni
Codice prodotto CA179
Autore Benvegna A.
Lingue incluse Inglese
Anno 2023
Formato 12x17
Pagine 96
Foto col
Stati Italia
Regioni Italia Sicilia
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