Il manuale delle piste ciclabili e della ciclabilità

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Autore: Deromedis S.
Collana: MANUALI
Conceive, plan, design, promote and manage cycling infrastructure.

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detailed and easy-to-consult manual for imagining, designing, building, managing and promoting cycle paths and cycling, the result of concrete experiences in Italy and abroad. The book hosts more than 300 graphic elements including figures, graphs, tables and photographs, as well as an extensive bibliography consisting of 55 sources. The technical aspects of the entire cycling chain are examined, namely: the reasons for investing in a new cycle path, the regulatory analysis, the design of urban cycling and cycle tourism infrastructures, mobility planning, cost/ benefits, the choice of materials and infrastructures, signage, construction phases, integration with other structures, promotion of cycling, management and maintenance of cycling infrastructures. The cycle paths and cycling manual is a tool for finding useful answers to questions such as: why build cycle paths? How much do they cost? How do you design a cycle path? How is it promoted? How to carry out maintenance and ensure its management? It is recommended for administrators, designers, technicians, businesses, public bodies, associations, tour operators, teachers, cycling enthusiasts and all those who, for work or civic commitment, have the future of mobility and the quality of life of citizens at heart .
More Information
Product code MA179
Author Deromedis S.
Publisher EDICICLO
Languages ​​included Italian
Year 2019
Pages 17x23
Size 368
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