
Ice up

Special Price 26,60 € Prezzo Base 28,00 €
Codice prodotto
Autore: Delapierre B.
Editore: SEVEN DOC
7 arrampicatori provenienti da tutto il mondo capitanati da Franois Damilano, in entusiasmanti evoluzioni su cascate di ghiaccio. In lingua inglese. Cascades of ice: waterfalls frozen in the deepest cold of a winter. Accompanying seven expert climbers, displaying all the richness of scaling frozen waterfalls, these images reveal the various approaches to this unique winter climbing. In english language.

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NOTA: Valido solo per spedizioni in Italia

Anno: 2005 Durata: 110 minuti 7 arrampicatori provenienti da tutto il mondo capitanati da Franois Damilano, in entusiasmanti evoluzioni su cascate di ghiaccio. In lingua inglese. Cascades of ice: waterfalls frozen in the deepest cold of a winter. You have to be right there, just when it solidifies… instants before it, again, flows as water. Accompanying seven expert climbers, displaying all the richness of scaling frozen waterfalls, these images reveal the various approaches to this unique winter climbing. The highest level of performance, of course, but its purpose is only to emphasize the brilliance of the ascension paths, the warmth exchanged in a look and the stories of those who are roped together. In english language.
Maggiori Informazioni
Codice prodotto DVD22
Autore Delapierre B.
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