

Special Price 21,25 € Prezzo Base 25,00 €
Codice prodotto
Autore: Brown D.
Le ascensioni su roccia tradizionale più dure nel mondo. Dave MacLeod cerca di essere il primo a realizzare il grado di E11. In lingua inglese. The Hardest Traditional Rock Climbs in the World. One of the best all round climbers in the world is on a mission - to take rock climbing to new levels of both difficulty and danger. In english language.

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NOTA: Valido solo per spedizioni in Italia

Anno: 2006 Durata: 41 minuti Le ascensioni su roccia tradizionale più dure nel mondo. Dave MacLeod cerca di essere il primo a realizzare il grado di E11. Le frustrazioni e lo sforzo fisico e mentale per ascensioni a livello elevato. In lingua inglese. The Hardest Traditional Rock Climbs in the World. One of the best all round climbers in the world is on a mission - to take rock climbing to new levels of both difficulty and danger. Dave MacLeod attempts to be the first to climb ‘Rhapsody’, the hardest traditional rock climb ever and the first to achieve the grade of E11 7a (trad f8c+ US 5.14c). This film enters uncharted territory. Taking you beyond the action it reveals the frustrations and the shear physical and mental effort that goes into climbing at the very highest level. We see MacLeod take a series of terrifying, massive, gut- wrenching falls and the strain begins to show. He struggles to cope with the difficulty and seriousness of the endeavour. But doggedly, even obsessively he keeps returning to his ultimate project - Rhapsody. In english language.
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Codice prodotto DVD02
Autore Brown D.
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